About me


📞 +33611954744


My Top 5 Board and Card Games:

Magic: The Gathering

Mind Bug

Dune: Imperium


7 Wonders Duel

My Top 5 Video Games:


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Fable: The Lost Chapters

Pokemon Dungeon Mystery: Blue Rescue Team


👶 I grew up in a gamer family. My father gave me the passion for games. At the age of 5, he taught me how to read and count with Magic the Gathering. He also introduced me to role-playing games with Dungeons&Dragons, as well as many board games such as Dominion, Citadelle and Descent, to mention just a few. Since then, I’ve never stopped playing and all the games I’ve played have inspired me to create my own prototypes of board games.

🎓 After 3 years at the faculty of sciences in Aix-en-Provence, studying programming, mathematics and physics, I wished to combine my passion and my studies. As an evidence, I enrolled in a bachelor’s degree in game design at BRASSART Aix-en-Provence, to become Game Designer.
During these 3 years, I learned many Game Design elements as System Design, Level Design, Narrative Design, UI & UX or Unreal Engine programming and was able to improve my softkills as follow:

🃏 Passion: Creating the rules of a game, its story, its characters, its univers and to make players live this unique and emotional experience.

✏️ Creativity: Since my game design studies, I can’t play a game in the same way. I constantly analyze every mechanic, every detail of the game I’m playing, to sharpen my creativity to design addictive and innovative game concepts.

📚 Game Expertise: Thanks to my education and the connections I have made, I have built up a deep knowledge of board games and video games, including their mechanics, univers and history.

🗣 Teamplayer: As part of my school projects and during Game Jams, I had the opportunity to work and interact  with artists, programmers or sound designers, which allowed me to acquire knowledge in their field and to learn how to clearly communicate my ideas.

🧠 Player psychology: From my hard player point of view, motivation, commitment, reward and satisfaction are key elements of the successfull game. The game is first and foremost an experience that should be fun for the player.

My Projects

System Design • UX Design • Level Design • Narrative Design